The BYTE [10/3]

Welcome to the BYTE, where we serve up the latest home and tech news from the last week for you to sink your teeth into.

This week we’ll take a BYTE out of a neighborly report, a new consumer-run social channel, rivals coming together for good reason, a redesign of the cube, and a bird flying from the nest. Enjoy!


Neighbors Are Ok…

Trulia put out the results of their study on how we all feel about our neighbors. Overall, most people like their neighbors and millennials have the most complaints.

What Do My Neighbors Notice?

The report showed most people describe their neighborly relations as friendly. Millennials tend to be either best friends with their neighbors or complete strangers. They also have the most pet peeves when it comes to their neighbors. Noise was the biggest complaint. However with the holidays coming up it is nice to see that only 6% were peeved by decorations left out well past the holidays.

So that's how my neighbors really feel Click To Tweet

Be My Hero

That’s What YouTube Is Asking Everyone

YouTube announced YouTube Heroes this week. Basically YouTube wants everyday users to help moderate the videos on the site. The more you look at the site and report the more points you get. There are levels you achieve after various point amounts and they reward you with exclusive benefits, first looks, and so on. The downside? Many fear this might instate a bit of anarchy with everyone running around trying to report videos, and that YouTube may not have the man power to do this job themselves.

YouTube wants everyone to be their hero Click To Tweet

Take Notes

Making Smart Smarter

Amazon, Google, IBM, Facebook, and Microsoft are coming together to make AI together. These powerhouse companies are teaming up to set the standard for AI, make it smarter, safer, and work together instead of competing and making something dangerous. I think we all remember The Terminator.

Tech giants unite for a smarter AI Click To Tweet

Don’t Be A Square

Anytime MIT and Google come together something cool is bound to happen. This time they are redesigning the cubicle. It is basically a sphere to give you privacy while you work and help you focus. With all the new open office floor plans some people need less distraction. This pod of sorts pulls down from above and gives you an instant personal space or for some even full meeting rooms.

Looks like the cubicle may be a thing of the past Click To Tweet

Going, Going….

Twitter is pretty much for sale and 4 different companies are looking to buy. Google, Microsoft, Disney, and Salesforce. Twitter has had a bit of a lack luster revenue growth, but that isn’t stopping them from selling their company for a measly $30 billion. No matter who buys Twitter, there is a shift ahead for the company and how it changes will be very interesting to watch.

Twitter looks to sell to highest bidder Click To Tweet

Totally Unrelated

Friends Forever

Lisa Kudrow and Courtney Cox recently played celebrity name game and you can guess what the bonus round category was. Friends.

Lisa Kudrow and Courtney Cox know their Friends trivia Click To Tweet