Each week our BDX digital marketing consultants and executives are out and about meeting with builders and helping them understand how they can use online marketing, media and technology solutions to improve their business. Here are some of the highlights from BDX in Action this week!
BDX in Action: Week of June 20th, 2016
Amy Alexander at the Northern Illinois Home Builders Association Golf Outting. It’s always fun to share our HBA member benefits with Builders from the HBA.
![Builders Digital Experience's photo.](https://scontent-dfw1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-0/s480x480/13406973_1212601512086193_4364491690357876702_n.jpg?oh=fd9240d329b9b7cc0ef724ea3e68a719&oe=5805F930)
Mckenzie Landon catching up with the Director of Marketing at Manor Homes, Sam Newell
![Mckenzie Landon-Manor Homes](http://blog.thebdx.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/Mckenzie-Landon-Manor-Homes-300x225.jpg)
We were an exhibitor at PCBC this last Wednesday and Thursday. We met so many great people and had a wonderful time!
Advance Publications came into the office this week. It was great getting to meet them!