BDX in Action [Week of July 29th]

Each week our BDX digital marketing consultants and executives are out and about meeting with builders and helping them understand how they can use online marketing, media and technology solutions to improve their business. Here are some of the highlights from BDX in Action this week!

BDX in Action: Week of July 29th, 2016

Tammie, Adriana, and Jaimie attended SEBC!


BDX’s parent company BHI was a part of the Courage Classic in Colorado to help raise money for the Children’s Hospital Colorado Foundation.

BHI Bike Team

Christie Morgan attended the PA Builders State Board Meeting to show off some touch screen kiosks.

Christie Morgan- PBA Board Meeting

Tammie Smoot visited with Jeff Shore at his Closing 2.0 seminar in Raleigh, NCJeff Shore