Is Your Website Responsive? Google Gives Responsive Websites a Boost in Search Rankings

responsive websitesThe amount of internet searches from mobile devices has increased by a huge rate over the last few years. Did you know that 35% of shoppers will view your website on a mobile device?  Have you checked to see if your website is responsive and display correctly on all mobile devices including cell phones, tablets, and iPads? If not, then you may be in trouble.

On April 21st, Google started using website responsive design or mobile-friendliness as a ranking tool. When a buyer is searching for homes from their mobile device, Google will give your website a boost in ranking as long as it is responsive and displays correctly on mobile devices.

How do you know if your website is responsive? Keep the following in mind when you view your website from a mobile or tablet device:

  • Your website pages display correctly on your mobile or tablet screen without having to resize
  • Text is readable
  • Links are not too close together
  • Images are displaying correctly

If you want to be sure that your website is ranking higher in search results, Google has offered a Mobile-Friendly Test. You can enter your website URL and the test will report if the page has a mobile-friendly design.

Need help getting a responsive website that is mobile and tablet friendly? BDX can help! Click here to learn more about our responsive builder websites or email us at