Coming Soon! New Home Source Feature: Expanded Photo Galleries

NHS GalleryGreat photography and renderings are vital components to helping shoppers envision themselves in your homes. That’s why New Home Source is going even further to provide builders with expanded photo galleries to show off their beautiful architecture. Site visitors can will soon be able to experience images and video in a full-screen viewer.  And with the addition of community images, leads on average increase by 28% and click thrus by 20%! And don’t forget about video! Embedding video with your listing also increases leads by 28% and click thrus by 36%.

So how does it work?

  • From any community or home details page, click the “Expand” icon in the corner of the on-page gallery
  • Enjoy larger images and videos that fill your screen
  • Navigate via the forward/back toggles or via the thumbnails at the bottom
  • Icons for “Videos”, “Photos”, “[Interactive] Floor Plan” and “Tour” identify current media shown and can be used to jump to that/those slides in the viewer
  • Share images via Pinterest!
  • Grab a free brochure from the community via the form embedded in the viewer (last slide and also persistent button)

NHS Gallery 2We expect that this experience will delight users and should impact conversion positively — especially for those builders who have the recommended minimum or larger image sizes. To get the most of this new feature, we recommend images that are 1200×800 pixels or larger. We also tend to see best results with a 3:2 (sometimes called 1.5:1) aspect ratio, but we can accommodate others as needed. When you start to update your photos, a best practice is to include 1-3 exterior images, 2-5 interior images, & a floor plan for each story of the home.

What are you waiting for? If you don’t have stunning renderings or photos of your homes, contact us at today!