Welcome to the BYTE, where we serve up the latest home and tech news from the last week for you to sink your teeth into.

This week we’ll take a BYTE out of a company searching for its way into the big game, many things being taken by storm, possibly the hottest fall in a decade, an entirely new way to social network, and a fun new way to watch college football when you can’t be there in person. Enjoy!


Welcome To The Show

Google had its big hardware event this week and in doing so went after Apple and Amazon in one fell swoop.

What Does Google Make Now?

Google announced many things at this event, a new phone called the Pixel and Pixel XL which some have called the smartest phone ever. The smartphone also come alongside a new VR viewer that looks like your new pair of sweatpants. Google Home will be hitting markets soon, which is attacking the Amazon Echo and is cheaper. Google Wifi will let you get better internet all through your house and the new Chromecast will let you stream 4K video. Google has had some products before that competed directly with their tech counterparts but now they seem to have stepped up their game in a big way.

Highlights from Google's event last week http://ow.ly/GYMq3052ip8 Click To Tweet

Be Safe Out There

Hurricane Matthew Is No Joke

Matthew is being seen as one of the worst storms in a long time. It hit Haiti and plenty of devastation. It cruised through the United States over the weekend and now and a state of emergency has been called in many states. The estimated property damage is as much as $326 billion dollars. We hope everyone is safe and damage is at a minimum.

Hurricane Matthew estimated damage to be as much as $326 million http://ow.ly/yCzL3052iAV Click To Tweet

Take Notes

Fall Is Heating Up

Realtor.com expects this fall to be the best for the housing market in 10 years. There are many factors playing into this: the expected days on the market decreased in September by 4% from last year, record high demand, and the average listing price is 9% higher than last year. All in all this shapes up to one fine looking fall for all of us in the housing market.

Realtor.com predicts hottest fall for housing market in 10 years http://ow.ly/Pbfx3052iGR Click To Tweet

Look At Me Now

Facebook showed off its new Oculus toy this week at Oculus Connect. Facebook hopes to redefine social media with VR. The presentation showed that with this Facebook VR app you can actually see and interact with your friends in the virtual world. You have a little character that represents you, and your friends have the same, you can talk, draw things and even fence each other. With VR becoming more common and innovations like this coming out it might be time to redefine how we work with social media.

Facebook shows off its new way to social media http://ow.ly/Cm8i3052iRB Click To Tweet

The Big Hit

This weekend in college football Oklahoma and Texas played. What made this game different from other years or even other games this weekend was that the game was live broadcasted in VR. This is the second game to do this and looks like it might be a huge hit allowing users to change cameras, instantly look at stats and rosters, and much more. The company behind it, LiveLike, received $5 million more in funding after the first game so it might be time to stock up on VR viewers before the next watch party.

Texas vs Oklahoma was broadcasted in VR http://ow.ly/Vxa53052iYB Click To Tweet

Totally Unrelated

Welcome To The Future

Nike is releasing less than 100 Nike Mag self-lacing shoes. Just like the ones from Back To The Future. The shoes are being raffled off and you can enter the raffle for $10 a ticket, all of the money goes to the Michael J. Fox Foundation.

Nike is finally taking us Back To The Future http://ow.ly/jiB13052j5E Click To Tweet

Welcome to the BYTE, where we serve up the latest home and tech news from the last week for you to sink your teeth into.

This week we’ll take a BYTE out of a neighborly report, a new consumer-run social channel, rivals coming together for good reason, a redesign of the cube, and a bird flying from the nest. Enjoy!


Neighbors Are Ok…

Trulia put out the results of their study on how we all feel about our neighbors. Overall, most people like their neighbors and millennials have the most complaints.

What Do My Neighbors Notice?

The report showed most people describe their neighborly relations as friendly. Millennials tend to be either best friends with their neighbors or complete strangers. They also have the most pet peeves when it comes to their neighbors. Noise was the biggest complaint. However with the holidays coming up it is nice to see that only 6% were peeved by decorations left out well past the holidays.

So that's how my neighbors really feel http://ow.ly/XmUj304NXAZ Click To Tweet

Be My Hero

That’s What YouTube Is Asking Everyone

YouTube announced YouTube Heroes this week. Basically YouTube wants everyday users to help moderate the videos on the site. The more you look at the site and report the more points you get. There are levels you achieve after various point amounts and they reward you with exclusive benefits, first looks, and so on. The downside? Many fear this might instate a bit of anarchy with everyone running around trying to report videos, and that YouTube may not have the man power to do this job themselves.

YouTube wants everyone to be their hero http://ow.ly/cqrq304NXMw Click To Tweet

Take Notes

Making Smart Smarter

Amazon, Google, IBM, Facebook, and Microsoft are coming together to make AI together. These powerhouse companies are teaming up to set the standard for AI, make it smarter, safer, and work together instead of competing and making something dangerous. I think we all remember The Terminator.

Tech giants unite for a smarter AI http://ow.ly/UZ57304NXTp Click To Tweet

Don’t Be A Square

Anytime MIT and Google come together something cool is bound to happen. This time they are redesigning the cubicle. It is basically a sphere to give you privacy while you work and help you focus. With all the new open office floor plans some people need less distraction. This pod of sorts pulls down from above and gives you an instant personal space or for some even full meeting rooms.

Looks like the cubicle may be a thing of the past http://ow.ly/HQs3304NY1i Click To Tweet

Going, Going….

Twitter is pretty much for sale and 4 different companies are looking to buy. Google, Microsoft, Disney, and Salesforce. Twitter has had a bit of a lack luster revenue growth, but that isn’t stopping them from selling their company for a measly $30 billion. No matter who buys Twitter, there is a shift ahead for the company and how it changes will be very interesting to watch.

Twitter looks to sell to highest bidder http://ow.ly/L88F304NY4H Click To Tweet

Totally Unrelated

Friends Forever

Lisa Kudrow and Courtney Cox recently played celebrity name game and you can guess what the bonus round category was. Friends.

Lisa Kudrow and Courtney Cox know their Friends trivia http://ow.ly/4xnf304NY9R Click To Tweet

Welcome to the BYTE, where we serve up the latest home and tech news from the last week for you to sink your teeth into.

This week we’ll BYTE into the real numbers behind smart homes, an app to help fight your lagging jets, a popular social site over-estimating their numbers, a shift in how we all move around, and a newer social app trying to see its future. Dig in!


Finding A Better Connection

That’s what a lot more people are doing now-a-days. Houzz put out its smart home report for 2016 and Business Insider did an analysis on the future of The Internet of Things Market. All in all there have been more smart products used and the trend shows no signs of slowing down.

Well What Did They Say

The Houzz report found that home renovations are leading the charge with 45% of all remodels. Thermostats and security systems top the best sellers list for smart devices, and a lot of people need help installing them. Business Insider’s report estimates the market from now until 2020. Basically the market is about to blow up, with an estimated 24 billion installed devices, $6 trillion invested, and high adoption from consumers, governments, and most of all in businesses. Kaboom.

The latest numbers from Houzz and Business Insider on Smart Homes http://ow.ly/ZoaV304zDYe http://ow.ly/y1O2304zE4N Click To Tweet

App-arently An Included Feature

When Your Room Comes With An App…

Check out the Stay Well app that comes with certain Delos real estate properties. The app includes local recommendations for the area and points out cool features in your hotel room. But the best part is the jet lag tool. The tool tells you exactly when to drink coffee, expose yourself to sunlight and go out and get some sun with “Vitamin D Walks.” If this actually works then it won’t be long before apps like these take off.

I like my travel sans jet lag http://ow.ly/s0Vn304zElf Click To Tweet

Take Notes

Wait Who’s Watching?

Not as many people as we thought. Facebook announced it may have exaggerated its view counts just a bit for videos on the social network. The number that was inflated for all marketers was the average viewing time. Basically if your video was viewed for more than three seconds it was counted as a full view, which everyone now agrees definitely does not count… well, at least as long as your video is longer than three whole seconds.

The rundown on Facebooks exaggerated video numbers http://ow.ly/yxBy304zEvv Click To Tweet

Turn This Car Around

Personal car ownership is dwindling as shared car ownership is rising. Deloitte University Press put out a future of mobility infographic explaining how the rise of ride shares, autonomous vehicles, car shares and a driverless revolution are all showing a dramatic change in the way most people get around.

There has been a shift in how we use our cars http://ow.ly/bAnW304zECU Click To Tweet

Make It Snappy

Over the weekend Snapchat changed its name and released “Spectacles”. Snap Inc., the app formerly known as Snapchat, is growing and offering more products. The “Spectacles” are sunglasses with cameras on them that can send videos straight to the app. Think Google Glass, but trendier. As Snap Inc. continues to grow and offer more products it will be interesting to see how it stands up in the competitive social realm.

Snapchat becomes Snap Inc and Spectacles hit soon http://ow.ly/FhRm304zEO0 Click To Tweet

Totally Unrelated

Pottermore And More And More

If you ever got into the Harry Potter series or know someone who did, this new Patronus Quiz might be a fun way to start the week. Even if you didn’t get into the Harry Potter world the quiz is still quite beautiful and fun to play around with. NOTE: You do have to create an account.

The new Harry Potter Patronus Quiz http://ow.ly/3Oii304zF0t Click To Tweet


Welcome to the BYTE, where we serve up the latest home and tech news from the last week for you to sink your teeth into.

This week’s BYTE includes the unseen home buyer, a new personal assistant for your home, the latest on a fruity new phone, a new way to track renewable energy, and burritos falling from the sky. Enjoy!


Am I Seeing That Right?

According to a new study 19% of buyers made a sight-unseen offer on a house.

Wait Really?

Really Really. With the latest tech such as 3-D walkthroughs and Matterport tours available online, more and more buyers are confident with their purchases without seeing the actual house. Stories of Skyping or FaceTiming into home tours also were accredited to the increase in confidence. As tech like this continues to advance, the model for buying and selling houses may need to change as there may be fewer open houses and more conference call type video walkthroughs.

19% of homebuyer bought homes sight unseen http://ow.ly/eclF3048n6x Click To Tweet

L.U.C.Y. I’m Home

Meet Your New Assistant

A new project launched on Kickstarter could be our first big step towards a smart home like Iron Man’s Jarvis. L.U.C.Y. is a wall mounted personal home assistant. You can talk to L.U.C.Y. and ask the weather, make reservations, call/video call people, view traffic and news, and so on and so on. If this is as great as they say it is then this could be the next step from products like Amazon’s Alexa.

New smart home assistant may be the next big step http://ow.ly/GWIo3048mZY Click To Tweet

Take Notes

Renewed Faith

A new online tool tells you the amount of renewable energy that would be created from any point in the world. It can calculate the wind and solar power a specific area would generate. As solar power becomes more popular, a site like this could be used when the eco-conscious are looking to select a location for their next home.

New tool can check renewable energy output of anywhere in the world http://ow.ly/kw5g3048mQW Click To Tweet

Did The Apple Fall Far From The Tree?

Apple released their latest iPhone 7 this week. If you haven’t seen the new tech and what it offers, it doesn’t have a headphone jack, but comes with an adapter. The phone is water and scratch resistant, longer battery life, comes in the same sizes as the 6s and 6s plus, the camera is much better especially on the 7 Plus, and gray iPhones have been replaced with black.

The new iPhone 7 Specs http://ow.ly/afBv3048mH6 Click To Tweet

May Burritos Forever Rain

In Alphabet Inc.’s, Google’s parent company, latest move they partnered with Chipotle and Virginia Tech to deliver burritos around campus via drones. The companies have permission from the FAA and the project will be closely monitored to ensure nothing goes wrong and to collect data on how drone deliveries should be regulated in the future. If this all goes well we could be one step closer to our favorite foods literally falling from the sky.

Finally drones can deliever my burrito http://ow.ly/lPwq3048myQ Click To Tweet

Totally Unrelated

Getting Loony

If you love the Loony Toons and need a Monday pick me up then this Southwest Airlines flight attendant’s end of flight speech is exactly what you need.

The Looney Tunes flight attendant that will make your day http://ow.ly/ilwQ3048mn3 Click To Tweet




Welcome to the BYTE, where we serve up the latest home and tech news from the last week for you to sink your teeth into.

This week’s BYTE is focused on fears over affordability, a new trend for beach front property, a little more of an empty Nest, the latest home innovation for your best friends, and a new take on hands free technology. Enjoy!



What Else Is New?

Redfin conducted a survey in August 2016 that showed, surprise, people’s biggest concern with buying a house is affordability. Redfin paired this study with the release of a list of cities with the most affordable homes.

O.K., Any Other Results?

The study showed that:

  • Millennials were the most concerned with affordability followed by size and quality/design;
  • The main reason people were influenced to buy was that rent was too high;
  • And overall, people’s decision to buy was not affected by the stock market, Brexit, or the election this year.

Also the top 3 affordable cities were Detroit, Cleveland and Baltimore, showing that if you want to buy an affordable home just move to an affordable place. If you don’t want to move, the study included really fun charts that show the rapid decline of affordable homes in several cities.

Redfin publishes results of home affordibilty studies http://ow.ly/Zoin303Xv6z http://ow.ly/vW3S303Xv8K Click To Tweet

Run To The Hills

No More Coasting Through Life

New data suggests people are slowly moving away from coastal cities. For as long as humans have kept records, the majority of the global population lived on the coasts. This might not be true for much longer as more people are moving inland. As global water continues to rise and storms like this continue to happen, this trend may accelerate.

People are slowly moving away from the coasts http://ow.ly/Lfb9303Xvft Click To Tweet

Take Notes

Empty Nest-ers

In the latest news from Alphabet, Google’s parent company, there will be several developers moving over to Google from Nest. The move came about because of Google ramping up its operations on trying to dominate the smart home market, specifically targeting everyone’s living rooms.

Google is creating some empty Nest-ers http://ow.ly/R3pc303XvjZ Click To Tweet

The Only Smart Home Tech You’ll Need

Acer just launched into the pet friendly smart home world with Pawbo+. With Pawbo+ you can skype with your pets and share the video on social media. There are also the add-on products aptly named, Catch, Munch, Punch, and Flash, for playing catch, giving treats, playing “whack-a-mole”, and recording your animals in the dark without hurting their eyes. Who knows, maybe this smart home tech will become the norm? Or will it be a “ruff” road?

Acer trying their hand at the pet-friendly smart home http://ow.ly/avq8303Xvnl Click To Tweet

Just Roll With Me On This One

Cowarobot has us wondering, has science gone too far? Cowarobot is the newest self-controlled, motorized suitcase. The suitcase comes with a wristband that lets the suitcase know where you are and will follow you at “an arm’s length.” The suitcase also has a camera and sensors to avoid objects and stairs. What might be the coolest, but non-necessary feature, is the button that tells your suitcase to find you, basically like the Batmobile.

Finally a suitcase that will just follow you http://ow.ly/kjDg303XvsT Click To Tweet

Totally Unrelated

That’s One Tough Melon

If you were ever wondering if a watermelon covered in LineX (super-strong, spray on coating) could survive a 147 foot drop, today is your lucky day.

Will a watermelon coated in LineX Survive 147 foot drop? http://ow.ly/pNcY303XvwI Click To Tweet