5 Ways To Get Your Buyers Thinking “Start Fresh. Buy New.”

In order to connect with today’s home buyer, it is important to always keep your website and marketing materials up to date with the latest information and facts. But where do you find fresh and engaging content? Many builders are turning to our “Start Fresh. Buy New.” initiative and taking advantage of the campaign’s resources.

In case you haven’t heard, this year, BDX launched an initiative to promote new home advantages. The “Start Fresh. Buy New.” campaign is designed to educate and inspire home shoppers and encourage them to consider purchasing a new home (read more here). The campaign centers around the website: www.startfreshbuynew.com.

Including “Start Fresh. Buy New.” messages in your marketing can keep your buyers engaged and coming back for more. Here are some ways you can use “Start Fresh. Buy New.” in your next marketing campaign:

  • Include a new home statistic in your weekly/monthly newsletters. The “Start Fresh. Buy New.” site is packed with useful information, so you will have plenty to choose from!
  • Feature a link to the “Start Fresh. Buy New.” site on your homepage—it will not only drive the benefits of a new home, but also shows your commitment to your buyers to arm them with the most powerful information. Logos and other graphic elements are available in the Builder Toolkit that is available to all BDX clients from within our BDXLive client portal.
  • Connect with “Start Fresh. Buy New.” through your social media, and comment too! “Start Fresh. Buy New.” is an active participant in the social scene and frequently posts compelling content for you to share with your own followers. Click here for our facebook page to get started.
  • Download the “Start Fresh. Buy New.” videos via the BDX client Builder Toolkit and have them playing on a loop in your model home lobby. The videos are informative, humorous and most of all eye opening as they act as a great ice breaker for dialogue.
  • Implement a scavenger hunt game through your social media with incentives—featuring questions involving the real cost of a “used” home versus a new one; and have them search the “Start Fresh. Buy New.” site for the answers!

Nothing makes us happier than seeing these positive new home messages spread throughout your newsletters, websites and sales centers. How are you leveraging “Start Fresh. Buy New.”? Email us and let us know how you are using the Start Fresh. Buy New. campaign in your marketing — we can’t wait to hear from you.

If you are a builder and want to get involved in the campaign, your best resource is our Builder Toolkit created exclusively for BDX clients to leverage the campaign marketing resources and research. This toolkit can be found within BDXLive, our client portal. If you’re not a BDX client and are interested in finding out how we can help your business succeed, email us to learn more.