If you’ve been following any of the news in online advertising, you’ll see that Google has been making an aggressive push to further its display advertising business. Already recognized as leader in organic and paid search advertising Google’s next frontier is display.

Display ads allow for the pull strategy of Internet marketing but have the same benefits of traditional advertising. i.e. I was exposed to a billboard and now that brand is top of mind for future purchase or action. In online marketing that’s referred to as View Thru, and there is a tremendous amount of evidence to show that it has a positive effect on a consumer’s search and purchasing behavior.

A report we reference often is from ComScore which shows an increase in branded keyword search and direct traffic to websites from advertisers who use display ads even though a consumer may not have clicked on the banner. i.e. I saw an online banner for a builder, didn’t click but later went Google and typed in that specific builder’s name, not just a ‘general’ search term. On, NewHomeSource we’ve also seen a lift in lead conversion from builders who advertiser with banner ads reinforcing ComScore’s findings.

With Google seeing significant value and opportunity in the space, shouldn’t you? Or maybe this whole online thing is still a fad.

For more information about launching your builder Online Advertising campaign contact Thane Tennison, Advertising Manager for the BDX.

Thane Tennison
Ad Operations Manager
“Harnessing the Power of Collaboration”

11900 Ranch Road 620 North
Austin, TX 78750
Direct: 512-651-8903
Cell: 512-787-7083
Email: ttennison@builderhomesite.com <mailto:ttennison@builderhomesite.com>




The Builder Vertical Ad Network is a new program developed by the BDX. Much like a builder can maximize their reach by listing on the BDX’s distribution sites the Builder Vertical Ad Network is a way for builders to maximize their exposure for display advertising by utilizing one point of contact for multiple targeted and tested websites. Contact us to get started.

Through our relationship with key distribution partners we have secured premium positions for display advertising on real estate websites that feature New Home listings. This represents a great opportunity for builders to enhance their listings and drive additional traffic back to their website. From the analysis we’ve conducted on NewHomeSource.com, we have identified a lift in leads from builders who also run display advertising we believe the same holds true for other sites.

The BDX advertising team does all of the work, managing placements, optimizing performance and providing reporting. This means that a builder can advertise with the BDX and have banners on multiple websites but only work with 1 point of contact and contract under one insertion order. Advertising across the Internet has never been easier for builders.

Current websites within the BDX Ad Network include Movoto.com, Blockshopper.com, HomeFinder.com, HotPads.com and BDX consumer retargeting.

Because we test and vet performance for each of our partners before inclusion into the network the BDX can offer a performance guarantee of .12CTR and can help with creative services utilizing the best practices from top performing builder campaigns. Download our one pager on the Builder Vertical Ad Network to learn more.

To get started listing on the first advertising network designed to help home builders contact Thane Tennison, Manager of Advertising for the BDX or your local sales rep.

You may have noticed that the BDX has begun sending out our Hot Homes E-blast in select markets. We’ve seen requests regarding how to get a placement in our market-specific emails. As a result, I’m writing this as a simple explanation of the process that we take to creating and sending them out, as well as tips to getting your hot homes listed with each release.

Let me preface this by saying that our goal is to do good by both builders and home-shoppers alike, meaning that the BDX will place no favoritism upon any one builder when choosing what offers are best and will give no preferential treatment to any builder for any reason. The end goal is simply to get the maximum amount of homes listed for all interested builders and to get those homes sold to interested customers.

The Hot Homes eblast is a free service for our builders and is distributed monthly in 12 major markets. As the program develops we plan to roll out additional markets. The program is designed to promote those homes that builders have identified as ‘Hot’ and to help advertise Special Offers and Promotions listed on NewHomeSource.com.

In creating these eBlasts, I compile a list of the best Hot Home deals by market directly from the website. Any Hot Home or Promotion that is compelling and I believe will drive consumer action will be considered. With this in mind, any listing that is not completely filled out (i.e. has an empty description or title), or only includes filler such as an address or “schedule an appointment” has little chance of being included. They are less compelling and have shown to have a lower click thru rate. Both the description and title of your Hot Home should be completed to the best drive consumer action. Also, ALL CAPS and using excessive amounts of !!!’s has not shown to improve clicks or performance.

In contrast, I find that the offers that have the strongest performance in terms of click-thru action have strong call to actions in pricing point, home description or evocative imagery. For example, titling your home something as simple as “Own a New Home for as low as $679 a month!” has show strong performance and will drive traffic. In direct comparison, using something generic like “Affordable Monthly Payments” would not receive as strong of performance. Home-shoppers like numbers. Tell them why your pricing points will appeal to them.

In addition to low-cost promotions other offers are also compelling to consumers. This can be achieved by saying something as simple as “Only 2 Lots Remaining” or evoking a strong image of what makes the house stand out above other local homes. Examples such as “Huge Gourmet Kitchen with Granite Countertops” have also seen strong response rates.

For information about adding Hot Homes & Promotions to your listings on NewHomeSource.com contact your Account Manager to take advantage of this free service.

— Jamie Lintner

By Tim Costello, CEO, BDX

Newhomesource.com has been collecting and analyzing online home buyer traffic and trends for over a decade. As has been the case in housing for as long as anyone can remember, January is the start to the online home buying season. January’s results can be used as a reasonable surrogate for the coming year’s home sales and consumer traffic.

In comparing online search traffic for both new and used homes, this January NewHome Source has estimated that there are 20-25% fewer consumers searching for homes this year than in 2010. While at first that seems like a fifth year of bad news, we must remember that last year’s January traffic was inflated by government incentives. Once those incentives disappeared in April of 2010 traffic consumer interest sank and we all know how the year ended.

This year’s numbers are not influenced by unnatural government intervention, so one would expect consumer traffic to behave in a more traditional seasonal pattern. If this holds true, we should expect improving year over year comparisons starting this April. So while we all wish there were more consumers confident of their economic situation and looking for new homes, it might actually not all be bad news. While 2011 may be starting out slow, it may also finish with a comparative bang providing the industry with its first real growth in many years.

Tim Costello is currently President and Chief Executive Officer of BDX, Inc., and Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Builder Homesite, Inc. You can follow Tim on twitter: @bylinetim for his insights on the homebuilding industry.

At the 2011 Builders’ Show in Orlando, BDX was fortunate to participate in 6 different panel presentations. The sessions were lively, fun, and filled with great information. Now those presentations are available for you to download.

Many of you who attended the sessions have asked for copies of the presentations… and for those of you not at the show, this is a good opportunity to see what you missed.

Click here to access presentations on the following topics:

  • She-Conomy: What Women Want
  • Capturing Realtor Attention
  • Mobile Marketing
  • Online Advertising Success

We are working to make all presentations available… so check back as we keep updating this post.