New Home Source Professional Lead Emails Get a Face Lift

NHSPro_verticalYou asked and we listened! We recently made improvements to the HTML style lead emails you receive from New Home Source Professional in an effort to help you quickly and easily identify the leads you receive from agents versus consumers.

Key updates to the lead email include:

  • The New Home Source Professional logo is clearly displayed at the top of the email
  • A source identifier near the top indicates the lead is coming from a real estate agent rather than a consumer
  • The lead source is specified as New Home Source Professional
  • Name of the brokerage, agent head shot and company logo is included when available
  • One more reminder in the comments field that this lead is coming from an agent!

NHS Pro Lead Form

Real estate agent leads can be some of the most qualified and motivated, so following up is the key to closing more deals. This means that you should review your responses to these leads to help maintain productive, long-term relationships with agents in your markets. As you know, the message you send to a real estate agent is going to be vastly different than a consumer. Make sure you have a successful strategy for agents using the following tips:

  1. Be sure to include agent-specific messaging in your communications. Avoid putting agents into a consumer email marketing campaign – this only serves to alienate agents (and their buyers) in your markets.
  2. If possible, reach out with a personal email or call, as opposed to an automated email campaign.
  3. If you use an automated email campaign, limit the number of emails and include an unsubscribe link. Providing them with meaningful content and inventory updates should keep them engaged to actively read your emails when they come through.

We hope that these improvements and tips will help you to properly nurture agent leads and foster strong working relationships that yield sales for years to come. For questions about New Home Source Professional or lead follow-up strategies, contact us at!