As part of BDX, builders have access to display ads on, the largest real estate website online today. This represents a great opportunity for homebuilders to reach consumers shopping for homes in their market but who may not be considering a new home. sells display ads on a 10% Share of Voice (SOV) in highly defined MSAs. Builders can purchase a Leader board, Skyscraper or Companion positioning (Leader board & Skyscraper) for 3, 6 and 12month terms. The banners show on search result pages within the MSA on a 1-10 basis. Considering the average consumer spends more than 9 minutes on, display ads are a great way to increase brand exposure and drive traffic to your website.
When considering Display Ads on home builders can take advantage of a few strategies to increase their value and drive more traffic back to their website.
1. Creative is still the most important factor for success.
Similar to banners on NewHomeSource & MoveNewHomes, the ad should draw consumers in and help them refine their search. Promoting a range of communities, locations and price is the most effective formula for driving clicks.
2. Don’t Box Yourself into one MSA. subdivides many traditional markets into highly segmented ‘MSAs’. In Austin, TX the market is divided into 3 unique MSA, in larger cities like Chicago you could target up to 8 different MSA’s. This is a great strategy for Realtors, who typically focus their expertise to one area of a city. However, builder’s with multiple communities across a market should evaluate each MSA to determine which area best meets their needs. Pricing and impressions can vary by MSA and it can behoove a builder to advertise in a neighboring more affordable market while directing consumers back to their communities.A banner promoting a range of communities still provides the consumer with choices.
3.Maximize Your Share of Voice
A typical buy is for 10% SOV however, homebuilder’s are NOT limited to one position in a market. On RDC advertisers can buy up 30% SOV for each position. Another strategy to consider is purchasing a leader board and skyscraper banner outside of the companion placement. Both positions would run in random rotation creating an effective 20% SOV in a market and greater exposure to your consumers.
4. Run multiple ads to create a brand story.
Advertisers can run up to 3 different ads per position on Multiple ads allow for multiple messages. This is a far more effective strategy than trying to convey all of your selling points in one ad. Similar to the BDX advertisers will soon find which ads are driving the best action while appealing to a variety of consumers with different triggers.
5. Buy 2 get 1 FREE
When an advertiser purchases a companion placement they receive the ‘Sky2’ placement free. The Sky2 is the second skyscraper position at the bottom of the search result page. Many advertisers would consider this a less desirable position however; the banner is located near the pagination control which consumers use as they click thru pages of listings. It’s a great added value for those advertisers who want to ‘own the page’.
When available I’d always recommend advertising on NewHomeSource or MoveNewHomes first. The sites are the most contextually relevant for NewHome Shoppers and performance is second to none. However, it’s difficult to compete with the size and breadth of consumers who visit and it’s a great opportunity to convert home shoppers into NewHome buyers.
For more information about Display Marketing Strategies contact Thane Tennison, Advertising Manager for the BDX, or contact your local sales rep for pricing and availability in your market.