There is never a dull moment working with our builders at BDX. Each day presents new challenges and opportunities. I think it is this variety that makes me love my job and my builders even more.

I really enjoy showing my builders how much control they have over their listings success. It’s amazing what a difference great images or embedding a video can make!

In turn, my builders have helped me learn so much about the home building industry — a huge Win-Win situation.

Have a great week, Crystal

I have had so many great experiences working with our builders over the years, but one really stands out.

A few years ago, I was working with a builder.  He was gearing up for Parade of Homes to begin that weekend, so his community had to be displayed perfectly.  It was a Friday, and I stayed late to ensure his data was exactly as he wanted it to be and ready for that weekend’s Parade of Homes.

I’m proud to say that this wasn’t the first time a builder thanked me for my effort, but this particular builder took things a step further.  He was so thrilled, he named a newly born calf after me. I think this is definitely a BDX first!

Happy Valentines Day,   Sheliza

Since this is Valentine’s week, we thought it would be fun to share some of the many reasons we love our builders.

We work with thousands of builders across the country and our account management team is an important part of these builder relationships. We talk to builders every day to help improve online performance, educate about new digital marketing best practices and walk through technical implementation steps. It is never a dull moment and it is these conversations that inspire and motivate us to improve the process and the BDX experience for our builders.

Each day this week we will post a different story from a BDX account manager highlighting an interesting story or an example of why they love working with our builders.  I hope you enjoy these experiences from the team! If you have any questions or would like to share your own BDX story, I encourage you to reach out to me — I would LOVE to hear from you!

Alpana Arora, Sr. Director, Client Experience and Operations

By: Jamie Lintner, BDX Advertising Accounts Manager

We have all read the analysis about the low click-thru rates for Facebook advertising.  Webtrends in particular has documented a downward shift from an already low click thru rate (CTR) over a span of three years, from a .063% in 2009 to a .041% average in 2011. This is half of the comScore recognized click thru average for all online display advertising — .10%. But what would the data look like if we were to measure the CTR of display ads against a previously engaged individual who already has some level of trust with a brand?

  In Q4 of 2012, Facebook launched a new Ad exchange that allows for advertisers to bid for placement in a real-time fashion. In order to avoid the historically low performance that Facebook has shown, we at the BDX have taken the exchange one step further and are now offering builders the opportunity to retarget visitors to their website and run banners with specific messages for those visitors. Similar to our BeBack program, we will cookie a builder’s site but will then retarget them only against the Facebook platform. These resulting ads fall within the same positions as a direct buy, with the same dimensions and specs and at the same cost, but they produce click thru and conversion rates that trump those of a non-retargeting campaign.  For example, in January, we ran our own internal campaigns and discovered that the CTR is roughly nine times the average of Facebook’s overall average with an incredible lift in backend conversions.

Not only that, but the results are just as strong when compared to traditional retargeting efforts. Here at the BDX we manage our own internal retargeting campaigns across 50 unique markets as well as unique BeBack retargeting campaigns for around 100 home builders. Without fail, a retargeted user is 10-15 times more likely to convert on the backend than one with no knowledge of the brand. Facebook ramps that up to another level. A user who has been on a particular site and has actively engaged with it is roughly 30% more likely to convert through the Facebook exchange than a typical retargeted user. While we were previously content with our cost/lead for retargeting, Facebook has provided a robust channel where we receive incremental traffic at a higher conversion rate. These numbers are hard to ignore.

Moving forward, as an added perk for BeBack advertisers we are now offering an additional campaign across only the Facebook exchange in order to improve backend lead conversion and drive clicks across a previously un-utilized platform. For additional information on how to set this up, please contact for additional details.

A group of 32 of the nation’s largest home builders announced the start of an initiative to positively influence public perception of new construction homes. The multi-year, multi-million dollar marketing and advertising campaign is aimed at making new construction homes more attractive to potential home buyers who are comparing new homes with existing homes.

The consortium, Builder Homesite, Inc. (BHI), collaborated with advertising agency GSD&M to develop a campaign focused on redefining the “new” in new home.  Initial campaign elements are driven by digital advertising and demonstrate the many benefits of new construction homes. Future elements will include a comprehensive website, produced and user-generated videos, interactive games and other tools that highlight the advantages of new home ownership.